Late Summer 2016
Eurorando 2016
Sweden Skåne
After we recieved the news that we could have a spot at the convention to promote our vision we had much to do to organize everything. We were sponsored with our spot there and all the prices for the competition, so technically we spent nothing more than effort and time and gained so much more from this event than we originally thought we would.
These are the sponsors:
The contest were about finding trash around the area and sort it in the right bins, depending on what you threw you gained different points. The ones with the most points won the prices we got from our sponsers.
We had nothing to loose this day, we could only gain more from this and that was probably the best type of work we've ever done. There where plenty of people who helped us make this a good day for nature.
We met people from all around Europe who all wanted to help us clean up, it was very refreshing to meet so many open minded people. We only hope they were inspired and took the dedication back home to keep up the good work they did.
Lastly we want to thank everyone for their efforts that provide a better sustainability for our nature. We also want to remind everyone that nature got nothing to loose and even the smallest efforts are worth it!