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Good Things To Think About

In this blog post we will bring up some “good things to think about”.

#1: When you are out on at trip like this it can be hard to find time on your own. We don’t feel like we need space from each other yet, but it can be good with some “me time” from time to time. So now you wonder how we can get time for ourselves, living together in a tent for one year.

Whenever we stop to rest for more than one night we decide who takes care of Vattie the next couple of hours, the other one can walk around the area/town, sit down and read or write or do whatever comes to mind. The other, who takes care of Vattie tries to be at another place and see to Vatties needs, like playing around, train or just cuddle with her. This way both of us get some space and every other time even a break from Vattie.

#2: It can be hard if you need something delivered to you, since you don’t have an address in the country you are in. We have tried to get help from the post office but they were unwilling to help us. Instead we turned to camping sites and so far so good. We have been able to use their address so we could order a delivery. In our case we needed more dog food, since the food Vattie eats aren’t available in stores. Instead we have to order it in a web shop.

#3: Before you travel test all the equipment, especially the electrical, and learn how to use them beforehand. Otherwise when you want to use the stuff you might miss the perfect moment. For example we have not yet got control over our GoPro and we have some problems connecting the device to our phone. This means that we are not able to see the pictures or film and we don’t know until we put the memory card in the computer if we got a good shot or not. We are working on this and when we have more and better materials we will share them with you!

#4: There are a lot of different ways to vacate when you’re abroad; Hotels, guesthouses, hostels, camping sites, wind shelters, staying with friends or family. We learned of a new way when we stayed the night with a family in Unsen. They told us about something called Couchsurfing. We understood that it’s a cheap way to get around and get to know new people. There are supposed to be websites where you can apply for it; however we haven’t got around doing it yet.

Lastly we want to put in a few things worth writing about.

On this trail we have noticed that the trash we collect are alike the trash that we ourselves consume, like wrappings from protein bars, dried meet, candy wrappers etc. This makes us a little bit sad, because it means that people that enjoy nature, just like we do, not always think of what’s best for nature and leave a bigger print than they probably should.

On our way to Hameln we walked up a mountain to a specific view point called Süntelturm. A really nice tower, but it was a rainy day and the tower was closed so we could not get to the top this time. It was a shame there was no shelter for rain and wind, because we would have loved to have some shelter for our lunch.

Right now we are in Hameln, camping on a small camping site, which belongs to a canoe club. We have been enjoying Hameln quite a bit. It is the birth place of the medieval myth and folktale; Pied Piper of Hameln. A man who is believed to have enchanted the towns rats with his magic flute. And before we understood the connection, we were only amused by all the rat monuments in the town.

We also found the best place to enjoy ice cream, Diego. it is an Italian ice cream restaurant, and they only have homemade ice cream with a sense of luxury.

Now we will continue our travel south and it looks like we have a week of sunny day ahead of us!

Gute nacht!

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