Project France
Soon we will end our endeavors in France and go to higher grounds in Andorra but before we do that we want to give you an update on our time in France!
We have done a lot of different hiking trails here in France, and we have also traveled with other means than by feet. We have hitchhiked and traveled by train to get to the different trails we wanted to hike.
Our first hike in France was on the south side of Lake Geneva and after a hard time not being able to hike along a busy road we decided to try our luck with hitchhiking. After a while we ended up in Lyon where we spend a lovely time with friends. To start our next hike we went to St-Chamond along the trail to Fay Sur Lignon. We enjoyed a beautiful scenery and happy to be in the wilderness again. After one week of over 30 degrees Celsius we decided it wasn’t fair to Vattie since we didn’t have a cooling harness for her, so we decided to hitchhike and travel by train to Cahors and from there we traversed to a wonderful village called Rocamadour. From here we got picked up by our hosts to start our Workaway. Since then we have been hiking around the area of the Northern Lot, by the Dordonge River.
Totally in France we have walked 310 Km and collected 1550l of trash out in the nature. If we estimate the calculations we get 5l of trash per 1km in general, which makes France the dirtiest country so far.
It was Interesting to hike around in the same area because you could actually get a more realistic view of what we are doing and what needs to be done. When we normally pick up trash we have no way to tell how fast the area gets littered again.
But all this got us thinking about when we started our travels and this project. For us keeping nature clean is a lifestyle that we have chosen. Our project became just that, a project, only because we set up goals. What we didn’t realize until now is how much pressure we put on ourselves by putting up these goals. This made us rethink and now we have some new goals!
Our goals are:
To reach out to people to raise awareness about littering.
Travel and enjoy nature to the fullest.
Cherish the fact that there are people like us out there, with social consciousness fighting for the nature.
Go to Spain with our project and fulfill the above mentioned goals.
Go back to Sweden so we can make Sweden a part of this project and add it to our statistics.
Make a summary of our statistics and show you what we have accomplished.
We almost forgot to tell you about our side project here in France; with the amazing architecture that you see everywhere here we decided to take photos of Holy Structures. Find the gallery HERE!
With this we wish you a lovely end of the weekend and we will see you in Spain!