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Trails Of Sweden

To be home after 7 month abroad feels both strange and good!

Only to adjust to our mother tounge has been surprisingly hard, it took us 2 weeks to stop saying some words and phrases in English. But it is impresive how your mother tounge can sound so familiar yet so unfamiliar at the same time.

We have been busy these weeks with applying for jobs, going through our stuff at home to pick out our winter gear for hiking, because as we said in our last blog post we are not done yet!

So far we have been hiking the local foot trails around a village outside of Helsingborg. We are not impressed of the comunity’s cleaning up programs so far… But not far from this village we have a forest ridge with beautiful hiking trails. One of them is part of ”skåneleden”. A hiking trail that takes you through Scania (Skåne) and it is over 1000km long.

We plan to walk part of this trail and explore our options where to start our hike. We spent a day exploring and found out that the trail is well marked on maps along the trail. We even saw a water tap with drinking water just at the start of the trail! During our day of exploring we found no trash worth mentioning and were a bit surprised in a god way since the area often get used by hikers and scouts.

Other than that we have enjoyed the Swedish weather and Vattie loves the Autum. Once again the leaves fall to the ground and the forest becomes the best playground ever!

Before we get ahead of ourselves we want to summarize the statistics from Spain. Unfortunately we only managed around 60km in Spain before we had to head back to Sweden, but we picked 340 liters of trash in the nature of spain. Which makes it 5,6 liters of trash per kilometer, this makes Spain the most littered country we’ve been in so far but still only 0,6 liters more than France.

Our goal of putting Sweden in these statistics are going to be really intresting and we’re looking forward to do more hikes here.

Hej Svejs!

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